
About Santa Speaking

About Anne Gaskell

Santa Claus Headquarters



News & Story Ideas

Five Ways to Get on the Nice List

Questions to Ask

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News & Story Ideas

The holidays are upon us! SantaSpeaking.com is tailor-made for holiday stories. Consider some of the following suggestions, or please contact us with specific requests or questions.

1. Witness a Live Call. You could talk with a parent/adult who has ordered a call, or a child who has received one. We can also arrange for you to be present when a child actually receives a call live - this would best capture the child's excitement receiving a personal phone call from Santa! View testimonials. Listen to a Sample Call! (MP3)

2. Santa goes high-tech. The days of sending Santa a letter via snail-mail are behind us! Kids are e-mailing, IMing and texting one another - why shouldn't they be able to do the same with Santa? SantaSpeaking.com offers a blog from Santa, updates on his whereabouts Christmas Eve, and serves as a scheduling center for personal phone calls and letter requests. Kids can even send him an e-mail.

3. What are kids asking for this year? SantaSpeaking.com gets the dirt directly from kids and their parents - what are this year's top requests? What are some of the more strange requests? What are some of the most heart-warming requests? Anne Gaskell (Elf Annie) can provide humorous, informative and touching details on what kids are asking for this Christmas.

4. Preserving the spirit of Santa Claus. The image of Santa has been trivialized in society - from movies like "Bad Santa," to the mall Santas who just don't put their hearts into the job. Kids are looking for the Santa of 34th Street and the Santa from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. How has Santa changed over the years and what are people like Anne Gaskell doing about it?

5. Keeping their Eye on the Prize: ways parents can still use Santa's naughty/nice list to encourage good grades and good behavior. There was a time when the mere mention of Santa's "list" struck fear in the hearts of children from September until Christmas Eve. Do parents still use Santa to motivate better behavior? Do kids take the list seriously anymore? (note: a great tie-in with this would be those hysterical Calvin & Hobbs comics about Santa's list).

6. For the kid that has everything: a phone call from Santa! SantaSpeaking.com's live phone calls from Santa are an ideal gift for children. The calls are not very expensive and the memories last forever. A personal call from Santa belongs on every "gift guide" list.

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