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Five Ways to Get on the Nice List

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 Last Minute Tips to get on Santa's Nice List

It’s not too late to get on Santa’s Nice list!




Kids! Christmas is just a few months away. If you’re a little nervous that you could end up on Santa’s Naughty list, it is not too late to move over to the Nice list! Elf Annie at SantaSpeaking.com spent some time on the phone with Santa recently, and she asked him what children could do to get on the Nice list.


Santa told Elf Annie that he wants every little girl and boy to be on the Nice list, and was happy to provide the following tips:

1.  Do something you know your parents would like without having to be asked. Tidying up your room; going to bed on time; and eating all of your vegetables at dinner without being asked are excellent ways to impress Santa. 

2.  Walk through each room of your home and put your toys where they belong - ALL of them. Your parents work hard to keep your home tidy. Give them a hand by picking up your own toys everywhere you find them. This is especially important on Christmas Eve because you don’t want Santa to trip over something in the dark!

3.  Give someone you love a hug and tell them you love them very much. Let the people in your family know you love them.


4.  Be extra kind to your siblings (remember Santa and his elves are watching!) Sometimes it can be hard to get along with a brother or sister, but you must always remember that even when you argue, your brothers and sisters love you very much. Be kind to them, and if there is a new baby in the house this year, do your best to help Mom or Dad care for him or her.

5.  Make sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables – the more colors the better!  Broccoli is Santa's favorite (well almost, next to Carrots). What are your favorite vegetables? Let your parents know the vegetables you like best, and be sure to try new vegetables your Mom or Dad makes for you. You may discover a new favorite food!


These are just a few of the things Santa suggests to get on his Nice list. You can keep up with Santa all the way up to Christmas Eve at www.SantaSpeaking.com – read Santa’s blog, learn about his reindeer, and find out what’s happening at the North Pole. You can even send Santa an e-mail!
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